Sara Bartyzel Winter 2018 Blog
by Sara Bartyzel, March 30, 2018
This quarter I had the privilege of completing my three-month internship at Mindy’s Hot Chocolate by chef Mindy Segal, a Kendall College alum. The experience itself was life changing and made me realize even more that I really am passionate about pastry. This experience was also extremely challenging for me as it’s not every day that a person gets to work with Mindy Segal, herself, so the pressure was real. In the beginning, I was nervous that I wouldn’t be able to prove myself worthy. Half way through my internship and definitely by the end, I felt as if I could conquer anything. I have gained so much knowledge within those past three months, but not just pastry related. Mindy has taught me how to think for myself which is something that she definitely pushes onto all of her employees. Technique is a huge component on whether a cook is successful or not, but the ability to be able to problem solve and think on your feet is what really determines ones’ success. For those who do not know, Mindy attended Kendall for savory; however, she is a successful, self-taught pastry chef. Because of this, she feels that it is possible for anyone to teach themselves something. That is something that I’ve come to value throughout this experience.
During my internship, I did a lot of dessert production, was on the line, and made a lot of bread. Honestly, before working at Hot Chocolate, I didn’t really enjoy bread baking. I respected the art of it, but personally didn’t like to do it, myself. Soon enough I began making bread daily and slowly grew to appreciate it even more. It’s safe to say that Kendall prepared me for this experience 100%. I am also happy to say that clearly I did something right because I am now working for Mindy full time at her restaurant and at her bakery in Revival Food Hall! Next stop, graduation!