Jayme Marsh Winter 2020 Blog

by Jayme Marsh, March 25, 2020

What an odd time it is to be completing my internship. A week ago, the leadership team at the bakery I work at made the decision to close until further notice due to the Covid-19 outbreak. I first felt relieved and proud at the news — that we had decided to do what was safe for our staff and customers. As the days passed by, the heavy reality of the situation crept in. It is challenging to not be consumed by the news, by fears for my family, for my coworkers, for myself. If working in food wasn’t precarious enough as it is, the current global health situation has exacerbated it in incalculable ways.

Many of my coworkers cannot depend on unemployment, are the sole source of income in their households, or have young children to support. As unsettling as all of this is, I have found the hospitality community in Chicago to be so supportive during these times. Every day, there is a new fundraiser for food service workers who are currently out of work. Restaurants across the city are finding ways to distribute meals and groceries to those in need. Community and food always go hand in hand, and I am really reminded of this during these times. If I have certainty about anything right now, it’s that I love working in the food industry and being part of such a special community. The ending of my internship was abrupt and unexpected, but every day I am excited about the prospect of getting back into the kitchen and baking again. What more could I ask for?

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