Natalie Sorensen Spring 2020 Blog
by Natalie Sorensen, June 23, 2020
This has been a very interesting season of life for everyone. It has especially been a unique experience as a student at Kendall. Before the pandemic I was so hopeful to start my sixth block in fine dining, and then transition to internship. The future looked undeniably bright. When the pandemic hit, life as we all knew it shifted. At the beginning of this time, I coped through practicing different techniques at home with the supplies I had. I focused on recipes and methods that I wanted to improve on. Making bread and tarts has been my absolute favorite. The kitchen brought a lot of comfort.
As we moved further into the pandemic, I really got involved in nutrition, fitness, and exploring nature. This helped me greatly and inspired me as well. While this has been a challenging time, I am very thankful. I am very grateful for my amazing teachers, fellow students, friends, and family. This time has really taught me to live in the present moment, and how to fully embrace it. My favorite class this quarter was my beverage course. I was able to meet new classmates, learn about beverages in depth, and learn through a new platform. Seeing familiar faces from Kendall made me smile and is something that I look forward to. Through the most challenging times in life, great light can be found.
Here are some photos I have taken during quarantine! Thank you!