Quan Huynh FA20 Blog
by Quan Huynh, December 9, 2020
2020 was a year of enthusiasm and full of preparation for my school and career plans. My first success was to receive one of the best scholarships in my [...]
Alex Kinderman Great Wolf Lodge Internship FA20
by Alex Kinderman, December 8, 2020
I recently had an internship at Great Wolf Lodge in Gurnee Illinois! This is a hotel chain with properties across the US and a focus on its indoor [...]
Hendy Hermawan FA20 Blog
by Hendy Hermawan, December 7, 2020
In this quarter, a class that I was still able to take on ground was the Kendall Dining Room Production and Service. In the service class, we had the [...]
Natalie Sorensen “Pasta Cousins” FA20
by Natalie Sorensen, December 7, 2020
Going back to my roots seemed like the best decision during this season of life. As the pandemic has continued, keeping in touch with my relatives has [...]
Ashley Wolfe Fall 2020 Blog
by Ashley Wolfe, December 4, 2020
I won’t be the first one to say the majority of this year has been far from what I thought a new decade would be like. The world is a constantly changing [...]
Andrea Klein Perez Fall 2020 Blog
by Andrea Klein Perez, December 3, 2020
Attending culinary school is something I have wanted to do my entire life. Since I was a little girl, I used to spend my weekends helping my [...]