Lillibeth Renteria Fall 2019

by Lillibeth Renteria, November 26, 2019

This quarter had to be the hardest quarter, primarily due to the long hours in class. But with those long hours, it all taught me to appreciate my team and the challenges I had to deal with. This quarter I was in the breads production and plated dessert production class, having to make a mass amount of pastries to serve for the dining hall and to QSR. I learned in both that working in a team is absolutely needed. Part of that is scheduling what needs to be done that day, but the other challenge was having to come up with a personal dessert to serve that had certain elements, while still working on that week’s assignments. Though it wasn’t easy, it was the rush that made the end of the project exciting.

I made two different desserts for these two classes, a blood orange financier with a hibiscus sauce, raspberry coulis, hibiscus meringue, and a candied blood orange. I really enjoyed working with the flower in particular and coming up with different flavor components that I really believe balanced each other out. The second dish I made was a grapefruit tart with pomegranate sorbet, pomegranate and white wine sabayon, butterfly pea flower and lemon sauce and butterfly pea flower Boba.

Both these dishes were time consuming, but I was able to show where my mind goes to come up with these dishes and show how imaginative I can get. Now the next step is my internship, where I can see if my imagination can be tested, if it can make it in this industry.

blood orange financier with a hibiscus sauce
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