Kadisha Mukhamejanova Spring 2017 Blog
by Kadisha Mukhamejanova, June 29, 2017
Spring quarter was a period of some big changes in my life, and even some dreams came true. I will go over them chronologically.
The first one of them is that I moved to a new place in Old Town, with courage to live on my own. In fact, that was my dream place to live at one day and, by becoming true, it brought so many changes into my life. I found myself a different person at a new place, a motivated and inspired by Lincoln Park’s beauty. Now I know how nature actually positively affects one’s mood and life in general. This healthy surrounding made me healthy and brought new habits into my day-to-day routine. I now have more time to devote to self-development and myself. I believe moving and living on my own was a good decision, which would not be possible without support of my school, family and friends.
The second change in my life has appeared gradually from one person coming and leaving my life at some point. I believe that it is important to be honest with my readers, so I want to say that you have to keep going, have to fight for what you want and never forget why you started no matter what happens in your life. We are all just humans. Any change in life comes with a lot of discomfort, because it pushes you out of your comfort zone. This is exactly what happened to me during this period, but I cannot disagree that it made me a better person; I grew up and revealed a lot of my potential and discovered a strong woman under the shield. Simply put, strive to be successful, but don’t forget to live your life.
The third change in my life was that I was invited to join two honor societies, Alpha Chi and Beta Sigma Delta. In fact, that was a memorable moment when I felt proud of myself ever since receiving this scholarship. It made me remember that the hard work pays off. Now I am back home and my parents are proud of me. I guess I am the happiest I could ever be.
Last but not least, during this quarter I was searching for an internship for the following summer quarter. I now can proudly say that I will be working with one of the best teachers and mentors of our school, Valerie Beck. Being her intern and be a witness of operations of a real-world business is indeed exciting. I am looking forward to learn and gain valuable experience through this great opportunity.
Thanks to KCT, I am who I am right now. I have been through a lot during this incredible year: I went to Spain, got a chance to participate at James McGuire business competition and now finally a member of two honor societies! No doubts, this all would just be dream without support of Kendall College Trust. I cannot express how thankful I am for everything. Thank you so much! Keep up changing and improving students’ lives!