Julietta Wright Fall 2016 Blog
by Julietta Wright, December 9, 2016
Happy Holidays! This has been quite the Fall quarter. Between my 5 classes, returning to my RA position in housing, and learning the ropes of working student life, time has flown! With business classes occupying most of my time, I have enjoyed my Culinary R&D class, developing a line of savory granola products- it’s been a lot of fun to have such creative freedom in the project. Aside from my classes- I do want to take a moment in this blog post however to talk about my role as an RA and what it has been like returning to housing after my abroad experience.
We have such a great team this quarter- with an array of personalities, majors, and talents, we really are like a family- and for that I am truly grateful! We’ve had some really great events this quarter- everything from a bowling night, to World Series Viewing parties in our housing building sky lounge! I am thankful for my teammates, but I also have such a profound amount of respect for my international colleagues on staff! After having been an “international” student myself this summer, I can now better appreciate what they might be experiencing at Kendall, and that goes for a lot of our international residents as well! My perspective on everything from communication skills, to learning cultural norms has really been expanded, and I try to utilize that when working with residents from other countries!
I am still so grateful for the opportunity I was given by the KCT to study abroad- but even more so now because I can see how much it helped me grow, not just as an RA, but as a student, and as a young adult! I hope everyone enjoys their holiday break! See you next year!