Joe Turner Summer 2018 Blog


by Joe Turner, September 20, 2018

This is the face of four years of hard work and sacrifice. I just wanted to share one last time about my gratitude and the plans for my future. First, let me say thanks so much to Kendall College Trust for the gift that has allowed me to not be so straddled with the staggering debt that comes from a college experience. Secondly, a special shout-out to my job for the flexibility in scheduling that has been extended to me, it has been 4 years of working every weekend, but it has been worth it.

So, what now? Well, the search for a new career has already begun. This week I applied for the position of Director of Dining Services at a college, it is a big step, with loads of responsibility. I landed an interview and have begun the first step of the process which was to do an introductory video, in which I got to answer questions that were geared to let the interviewers get to know me. I just got the e-mail stating to wait for the next step of the process. This is an exciting and scary time for me, however, I am confident in the skills I have acquired at Kendall and my life experiences.

Even if this first venture does not pan out, I stand at the ready with two more positions that I already saved on our company website and are just waiting for me to activate them. I believe that I should reach for the stars as I settle into this journey because Kendall has prepared me for the world. So, look out, here I come!!!!

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