Beck Hughes Spring 2017 Blog
by Beck Hughes, July 6, 2017
Dear KCT Scholarship Committee,
The last two months went by super-fast. I graduated with Bachelor’s Degree in Hospitality Management, and got a job at the Sheraton Grand Chicago as an Executive Meeting Specialist. This may be my last official blog post for KCT but not the last time you will hear from me. There are many people that I want to thank for what they have given me and what they have done for me in the past two years. I will be always grateful.
However, I specifically have to praise and thank Catherine De Orio and Deb Teall for their hard work, commitment, and support to Kendall College students including myself. You two have helped many students and their families reach their dreams. Thank you, and I wish you two all the best!
I plan to be an Active Alumni and help others with their stories. If there is anything I can do to help, please don’t hesitate to ask. My personal email address is or you can find me on LinkedIn –