Michelle Hannigan Fall 2016 Blog

by Michelle Hannigan, December 14, 2016

Earlier this term I was asked by a fellow student, who happened to be a Kendall Ambassador, if I would be interested in meeting with the President of our school, Kim Shambrook, and talk about my experience as a Kendall College student. When Susannah Fox asked me to be a part of this conversation, I immediately felt honored. I know the student body of Kendall College is a diverse group, where most of the individual student stories are unique and worth sharing, so I felt honored.

Myself, Susannah, and two other students met Ms. Shambrook in her office located on the 8th floor; and let me tell you- the view she has from her office window is reason alone to drop in and say Hi! In fact, one of the main points for the meeting was because Ms. Shambrook really wants to get to know the student body here at Kendall. She recognizes that we are all here from different backgrounds and different reasons and she also recognizes this as a strength to our college that should be focused on.

I was happy to learn that Ms. Shambrook came from a similar background as myself, and she was able to reaffirm that much more in my mind, that Kendall College was the right choice for me. All four of us brought a different perspective of who a Kendall College student was. We agreed that there is an amazing amount of opportunity and knowledge under the roof of this College. We couldn’t help but comment on how the entire faculty is eager to help all students try to receive a scholarship, get an excellent internship, and have creative outlets to gain and express real world knowledge.

I believe that Kendall College truly is living its mission statement and values. Winning the Raymond Geraldson Jr. Scholarship from the Kendall College Trust has allowed me to continue attending college. By being able to attend and meet people like Ms. Shambrook, I have been able to flourish with the peace of mind knowing that my education is top notch and worth working hard at and being proud over.

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