Ashley Rigsbee Winter 2017 Blog

Ashley Rigsbee

by Ashley Rigsbee, March 22, 2017

Spring Break is upon us before I depart let me fill you in on what I have been up to! Gheesh were do I start? This quarter has been a tough one. Just about the most frustrating, overwhelming yet rewarding quarter I have ever experienced at Kendall College. I have finally completed Capstone! Whoo -hoo! For those of you who are not familiar with Capstone as mentioned in my last blog post, Capstone is a six month complex senior project for Hospitality Management students.

Since Capstone is over I can share with you all the details. Our hotel concept consisted of a 166 room upscale boutique hotel which we named Hotel Orenda. Orenda stands for the drive and power of human will to change the world around us. Our property had a huge sustainability focus and our theme was inviting, vintage yet with a contemporary twist. Ideally we made guest feel at home away from home. Our group Team 2 actually won the award for the sustainability Green Ribbon award which is exciting.

Now that Capstone has passed I still have one more quarter of classes and then internship. During this experience of creating a concept hotel I have had many opportunities to really think on which department I am interested in this hotel industry. It is important to me to be involved in local communities that are facing adversity and to volunteer to assist these kids and families. I have decided once I can commit my time upon graduation to seek volunteer or mentoring opportunities in community engagement. Also, to explore opportunities in Sales and Marketing as a Sales Coordinator or a Social Media Coordinator which is my dream job.

Each day I am at Kendall the more excited I become realizing I almost have my degree. I still am beyond grateful for my scholarship through Kendall College Trust because if it was not for them I would not have been able to continue my education. I would have felt lost because I was unable to finish what I am determined to accomplish. I would like to thank Deb Teall and Catherine De Orio for sending me a card during the time of loss for my family when my aunt passed away. Genuine gestures as such speak volumes and I am so warm hearted for them reaching out to me. This quarter has been overwhelming with Capstone, and with the loss of my Aunt Celeste who was dear and close to me. However, with the support of my friends and most importantly my family I was reminded of all the great things that have happened to me such as this scholarship, and the many reasons I need to continue moving forward towards reaching my goals.

Thank You  KCT!

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