Abigail Urbano Summer 2018 Post
by Abigail Urbano, October 10, 2018
My time at Kendall is coming to an end and it is a bittersweet feeling because a part of me is so happy to be done with homework, projects, exams, etc. and the other half feels like I have to have my life put together already. I have to remind myself that I shouldn’t feel so anxious about the latter because this is a milestone that will help propel me forward and apply all that I’ve learned in whatever career path I choose to embark on.
My last few months at Kendall were spent working on my Capstone project along with my four other awesome team members. For me, Capstone was more about learning about my strengths and weaknesses when working as a team than the end project. Although being able to help develop Chicago’s first Green Vendor Directory, was pretty cool too 🙂