Maya Tom Winter 2017 Blog

by May Tom, March 21, 2017

Winter Quarter has been a challenging quarter for me, but I am always up for a good challenge. This quarter has pushed in in many ways and now that it has finally come to a close I am only grateful that I get to be involved within a school that I absolutely love and that pushes me to only do better and grow as an individual and hospitality professional. Having only three quarters left at Kendall, I am now at a point where I am starting capstone, my final internship search, and my dream job search. I have come to a point in my studies and in my life that I think I would love to travel, and although I’ve had my fair share of vacations within and outside the U.S.A., I want to experience a possible internship outside of Chicago, better yet, outside the country. I want to experience as many cultures and places as I can, I think with goals, and a hospitality degree, you should explore and share your passion every place that you go. I am once again another quarter closer towards graduation and also grateful for the Kendall College Trust and what it has provided me with today. Thanks for another great quarter Kendall College.

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