Magdalena Rejdych Winter 2018 Blog
by Magdalena Rejdych, March 30, 2018
The winter quarter has come to an end and it seemed that this one, in particular, went by a whole lot faster than the previous ones. This past November I was able to participate in the Fried Chicken & Champagne Fest which was an amazing experience. When first arriving I thought that the turn out would not be too big due to the heavy rain that morning but once 11:30 came there was a lot of people coming in. For the event, I was placed in the champagne and wine station, at first I was a bit worried because I was not familiar with the wine selection but after a while, I got the hang of it and the rest of the event went by really fast. During the time which I was serving wine to all the guests, I was surprised by how many had questions about Kendall college itself and what we as students actually do. Throughout the event, there was high energy, a lot of variations of delicious fried chicken, ample amount of champagne and sparkling wine as well as great music. I am looking forward to being a volunteer in next year’s Fried Chicken & Champagne Fest.
A huge thank you for KCT for supporting students in the hospitality and culinary field like myself!