Ekaterina Martsul Summer 2016 Blog Post
by Ekaterina Martsul, September 15, 2016
My education at Kendall College was such a long, but fascinating ride. Coming to United States in 2012, I would never ever believe that by 2016, I will be leaving this incredible schools, having two bachelor degrees behind me, being three times KCT Scholarship recipient and making so many friends and connections. I am so sad that this journey is almost over, but I am super excited for the next big step in my life – my future job.
While my education at Kendall, I was exposed to a great variety of events, whether I volunteered or did my internship at. Last year, I was lucky enough to be a part of the event planning crew that organized Chicago Gourmet Food and Wine festival for 13,000 people! It was an unbelievable experience, where I could apply all my theoretical knowledge gained at Kendall into work for real life professionals. Three months of hard work and unbelievable stress definitely paid off when the days of the event finally came. When I saw full event set up, I forgot all difficulties I went through to make it happen and was completely stunned. It was an incredible feeling of being part of something magnificent that aimed to make other 13,000 people happy and entertained. So far, it was the best job opportunity that I worked for. How pleased I was to see our own Catherine DeOrio as one of the emcees of the show! World is small and you can find some great KCT support everywhere!