Donate Today

Please consider a contribution to the Foundation for Culinary Arts. We are a not-for-profit, thus any donation you make to us is tax-deductible per the IRS code. Any amount is helpful for the continued growth of our organization and the next generation’s ability to succeed not only in the culinary and hospitality field, but in life. It’s easy to give. Mail a check to us, payable to Foundation for Culinary Arts, or click on the “donate” button to make a donation online through PayPal. (You don’t need a PayPal account – just click the button “Pay with debit or credit card”)

Thank You

Your contribution is tax-deductible to the extent provided by law. Be sure to give us your address so we can send you an acknowledgment letter with the receipt you will need to deduct your gift. Your gift will help economically disadvantaged students get the education and training they need to do a great job wherever they go – in Chicagoland or elsewhere.