Bernard J. Dobroski, PhD
Northwestern University Bienen School of Music
Bernard J. Dobroski enjoys researching and experiencing a wide variety of global cuisines and is a passionate home chef. He passed that devotion onto his son, Paul, who is a graduate of Kendall College’s Culinary Arts program.
Former dean of the Henry and Leigh Bienen School of Music (1990-2003), “Bernie” is a tubist, keyboard performer, and music educator who currently teaches graduate and undergraduate courses in the Bienen School of Music and the Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences at Northwestern University. He received a B.F.A. degree from Carnegie-Mellon, a MM degree from the Catholic University of America in Washington D.C., and a PhD from Northwestern University.
Previous positions have included Dean of the University of Oregon School of Music and Department of Dance (1986-1990), Associate Professor of Music Studies, and Associate Dean at Northwestern (1974 to 1985). He was also a musician in the “official” United States Navy Band in Washington, D.C. (1968 to 1972).
Bernie is an author, journal editor, conductor, impresario, and is involved in fundraising and marketing in higher education. He serves on the boards of a number of regional and national organizations, including the Lyric Opera of Chicago Ryan Opera Center (life member), the Savannah Voice Festival/ Sherrill Milnes Voicexperence Institute (founding board member), and the Chicago-based Bel Canto Foundation.